Business Continuity

All businesses in Vancouver are confronted by any number of threats, from minor power outages to unexpected natural disasters. These can easily disrupt your phone system and Internet connection, resulting in downtime. Every time this happens you can lose customers and  revenue.

Our Business Continuity Solutions have one goal and that is to keep your business running with minimal effect on your business. We do this by implementing the following:

  • Wireless Backup: Should your business lose phone service and Internet connection, our system automatically transfers phone calls, Internet access including email messages to a wireless network. Our service is designed to be compatible with any type of phone and/or Internet service.
  • Advanced Voice Solutions: When and if an unplanned event occurs, our system will seamlessly reroute and forward all phone calls to a different phone number.
  • Cloud Hosting and Data Backup: Keeps your critical data and applications safe and secure by avoiding the risk that on-site servers pose.
  • Data Networking: If there should be an outage our system offers secure, redundant hardware and brilliantly designed network routing to provide automatic failover.

Faster I.T. is there to protect your business so that it can continue to run during an unexpected outage or disaster so that you can remain in contact with your colleagues and customers throughout the event, keeping you on the road to success.



  • Operational Stability: Keeps to a minimum any effect that the disruption has on your company’s ability to run.
  • System Retrieval: Allows all critical IT systems to be recovered intact.
  • No Customer Disruptions: Enables you to continue providing products and services to clients and customers while maintaining their confidence in you in conducting business.
  • Limit Financial Exposure: Lower your company’s risk of sustaining a financial loss by enabling you to continue operating normally despite the outage.
  • Investor and Customer Confidence: Offers protection for your company image and brand.
  • Ensures Compliance: Enables you to continue meeting regulatory and legal requirements without disruption.