Meet the Team
All I.T. All the time
Our Engineers and support staff live and breathe small business tech, so you don't have to.
Regan McCook
Founder & CEO
Kimberly Foster
Vice President
Caligine carentem iuga pluvialibus distinxit inminet. Usu obstabatque magni quod campos lege margine coegit campoque. Dominari nam orbe ab parte.
Unus sibi caelum. Ventos silvas crescendo recens inclusum quem colebat nisi. Quam caeleste cepit vindice moles passim. Homini terrenae freta sole.
Jennifer Barrett
Head of Sales
Rachel Hicks
Chief of Operations
Joseph Perry
Head of Engineering
Michael Wright
Cloud Computing Lead
Janice Ross
Lead Engineer
Madison King
Wireless Engineer
Amy Hudson
UI Engineer
Jeremy Mason
Head of Customer Success